York Street Medical Practice

146 - 148 York Street, Cambridge, CB1 2PY

Telephone: 01223 364116

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Electronic access to your medical record- November 2023

Posted on January 25th, 2024

Electronic access to your medical record- November 2023

Following regulations of the National Health Service, York Street Practice are obliged to provide patients with the facility to access their medical record on or after 31 October 2023. This means a Doctor can approve for you to have full access to your record, subject to safety & information governance guidelines.

Many of our patients already have this.

Patients have the right to opt out of this, if they do not want to access their record electronically.

The intention of the Practice is to use this rule change to review patients currently on full access and set up a system to enable existing & new patients to have this facility.

The new regulation affects all Doctors Surgeries nationally. Please, I ask, you be patient whilst we organise and complete a safe process for patients to have access. Over the next 2 weeks, the steps we will take are as follows:

· Disable all access to records to everyone’s record.

· Doctors review those who have full access and enable again.

· Existing patients, not having current access, wishing now to have access, can request this by E Mailing a request to the York Street E Mail address. The request will be reviewed by a GP and decision made and given on access.

· Newly registered patients will be offered to do the same as existing patients.

On notification of access enabled, the Practice will send you info on an account name, password & details of the system on the website to login.

If your GP has given you access to test results or letters, you may see something that you find upsetting to you. This may occur before the Practice has seen the notification, or before you have spoken to your Doctor or while the Practice is closed and you cannot contact us.

If you think you may be pressured into revealing details from your patient record to someone else against your will, it is best you do not register for access at this time.

There will be patients who are not approved this facility. This can be for many reasons. A written response to explain why it is not approved will be forwarded to the Patient by the Practice.

The Practice will not permit access to Patients aged between 11 & 15. Each application will be looked at on a case by case basis. Up to 11 Year old, parents will need to request a “proxy” access. 16 and over access will be by normal request as normal.

If you are aged 16 or over, you can find the form HERE

If you wish to have proxy access to your child who is under the age of 11 please email us at york.street@nhs.net or call us on 01223 364116

Any enquiries, please email or write to the Practice, for the attention of the Practice Manager; I will endeavour to answer any questions.

I take the opportunity to thank you for your cooperation and patience on this matter.

Andy Cutting

Practice Manager

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